At the end of 2024 I had the privilege to co exhibit with the late David lynch, Pussy riot, christopher makos, zhang wee, Matt colombo, roger ballon, andreas varro, vladimir sorokin, jorg gruber, timo kerber among others at the art icon show in paris.
This year with the help of new year software I was able to reimagine images I've created over the last 15 years!
The idea was to show what I was thinking and I felt at the time of creation.
100 days - 2022 (Reimagined)
TOgEther - 2015 (reimagined)

Over the last decade,
I’ve watched the world go by and the definite repetition of patterns and behaviour has made
me compile a variation of work that incorporate the worlds beauty, landscape and the inner workings
of us - the human mind - body and soul.
Hands play a major part in our existence and the use of them tends to be for the most destructive ways,
To create is much harder than to destroy a world around us.
My study of patterns and human behaviour brought me to adapting places we go and dreamscapes we imagine,
beyond the beauty of what is around us we allow ourselves to get lost in a space.
I found the mould of patterns are hard to break individually and as a society. There is always a sense of safety
through unity, its hard to break away when we have the safety of uniform behaviour whether right or wrong.
People we pass through the street to people we share intimate moments with build our individualistic persona,
Walking alone is an important way of breaking the patterns of destruction.
Coming together as individuals within the collective is in my view more constructive and pure.
My world is free.